Thursday, September 17, 2009

Miachael Jackson painted By Justin BUA - King of Pop

As promised last Week, Artist Justin BUA has released his limed edition on canvas of Michael Jackson "The King Of Pop".
More then just a wonderful painting of an amazing performer. This is a true homage to a personal idol of BUA's.

Bua having come up as a dancer and painter form the very streets that gave birth to much of the music and moves that Michel celebrated in his own work, has always felt a close connection.

But also as an artist Bua shares another tie with the late Jackson. As they had both dedicated much of heir artistic careers to representing those same urban styles and stories with a broader audience. In both cases hoping to create bridges in a desire for what many including Bua call "One".

See and read more about Justin BUA's painting of Michael Jackson "The King of Pop" at

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